Back pain is one of the most common causes of referral to a physician in the world, with 2% of people having back pain throughout their lives. Low back pain causes people to lose most of their working hours and active lives, and is the cause of many painkillers.
Back pain that spreads to the foot can be due to protrusion of the intervertebral disc or pressure to the sciatic nerve roots, which is mistakenly referred to as the disc and sciatica.
The fact is that both the disk and the sciatica are part of the human body and not a disease.
Between both vertebrae of the spine there is a soft, flexible intervertebral disc.
The disc has a bumping effect and prevents excessive pressure on the spine. In fact, the disc has a shock absorber in the car, causing the beads to not scrape. Lumbar disc can cause infectious and inflammatory diseases, rupture and disc herniation.
Sciatica is also one of the largest nerves in the body that begins from the attachment of several nerve roots to the lumbar spine, reaching the back of the thigh and leg and is responsible for the sensation and movement of the legs. The sciatic nerve can be damaged by accidents, fractures and deep cuts.
Sciatica is a pain that originates from the sciatic nerve and extends from the lower back to the lower leg. Sciatica symptoms include burning sensation in the leg, back pain when sitting, leg weakness, uncontrolled leg jump, and so on. Occasionally, these complications may be due to rupture and leakage of the contents of the lumbar disc that may be caused by injury or accident. However, it should be noted that the sciatica and the lumbar disc are two completely different phenomena.
The sciatic nerve is a large nerve the size of a small finger, which typically contains five nerve roots. These five roots come out of the spinal cord and join together to form the large sciatic nerve that extends downward into the legs. Whenever the sciatic nerve is stimulated, specific pain will be felt in certain areas of the foot. However, whenever the pressure on the nerves adjacent to the spinal cord is affected by injury or a herniated disc, the pattern of pain and physical appearance will vary. These differences are usually not identified during the first examinations, and these differences will be detectable after careful imaging examinations. MRI imaging is one of the best ways to do this because it allows you to see all the bones, ligaments, nerves and discs.
Sciatica pain is easier to treat and with proper care, the patient will return to his or her normal state quickly. However, lumbar disc herniation is an almost permanent complication that can seriously affect different aspects of one's life and can be very painful and debilitating if left untreated. Waist disc herniation will require surgery in severe cases. Knowing the difference between these two complications will help the patient relieve stress from stress.
To prevent bone and vertebral disc disorders, you should avoid strenuous physical activity and lift heavy objects.
Camel wool belt property
The camouflage camouflage belt is made from camel wool fibers. The purpose of this woolen product is to help treat back pain, spinal disc, lumbar frost and kidneys. It is interesting to know that in addition to the cold season with more users of this product, wool belts can also be used during the warm seasons. In fact, with the micro massage that this wool belt does, the blood circulation and thus protects the cold and prevents many diseases of the lumbar and kidney. Also, instead of using plastic slimming guns that are harmful to the human body, you can use a woolen belt as a warmth and a diaphragm and use it as a slimming slimmer.
In cold weather, the kidneys are the organs most vulnerable to damage. Give warm gifts to your friends by giving a camel wool wristband. If the gift recipient is someone who spends many hours outdoors and in the cold, this could be a good gift for him. A soldier, motorbike clerk, or anyone who spends a lot of time in the cold will be happy to receive this gift in the cold season.
If you are trying to treat back and back muscles, it is recommended that this woolen band be attached directly to the skin of the body, otherwise you can use it on your underwear to use heat.
Note: It is not recommended for pregnant women to use this strap
Why do we have a waist disc?
The intervertebral discs also lose their natural quality by losing their water or by applying pressure (prolonged sitting). By applying pressure, the disk becomes black and loses its soft and bumping properties. In this case, it is torn with the slightest impact. When the disk is ruptured, it tries to expel it, known as disk disease. This protrusion can occur in the neck or waist area. Disc disease is more common in some vertebrae. For example, the most common lumbar vertebrae (the fourth and fifth vertebrae) are the most common area where the disc is ejected.